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A Guide To Eating Healthy in the Dining Hall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

For many of us, the beginning of the new semester means getting adjusted to classes, navigating our way around campus, spending time with old friends, or trying hard to make new ones, among other things. The return to campus also marks the return of the dreaded dining halls. For those of us lucky enough to still live on campus with a dining plan, the dining hall can be the most convenient option. However, with so many things going on, it can be hard to focus on eating well.


When you look at your options, who wouldn’t stuff their faces with beautifully golden grilled cheeses… or ice cream …or pizza (the list goes on). 

Even for those of us who have enough willpower to steer clear of these things, it can still be hard to find healthy options. The lettuce is either too wilted or strangely crunchy, and nothing else really looks that appetizing. So when you don’t know what to go for, here are a few tips to staying a “skinny legend” this semester. 


Tip #1:

Two Words: PEANUT BUTTER. Peanut butter is in almost every dining hall and is a great source of protein. Plus it is very versatile: you can eat it on toast, with fruit, or by itself.

(Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to chef it up a little. If you’re extra like me, you can put peanut butter on toast with sliced bananas on top – you can even add chia seeds or honey too!)

Tip #2:

When you do go for a salad, steer clear of certain dressings. Salad is great for you, especially if you load it up with lots of different veggies, however people don’t realize that by adding the wrong dressing they can quickly make their super healthy dinner, not so healthy. Creamy dressings such as ranch and cesar, are high in fat and sugar. If you like the aspect of a creamy dressing, try adding hummus! Hummus is a great way to add creaminess to your salad, while skipping the bad stuff. A second alternative to this would be mixing olive oil and vinegar (which should be next to the dressing but sometimes can be found near condiments). 


Tip #3:

Drink seltzer water instead of soda. Craving soda? Most likely you are just craving carbonation, so next time swap the soda for seltzer water (most often found next to soda anyway) and you’ll end up feeling just as satisfied!


Tip #4:

Treat Yourself! Don’t think you have to stay super healthy all the time! It is totally okay to allow yourself to indulge once and awhile! It’s all about balance, so don’t deny yourself that piece of cake you’ve been thinking about all day! 


Eating healthy shouldn’t be something college students feel they can’t do, so next you’re in the dining hall, try some of these tricks out!

Nina is a sophomore Communication major at the University of Connecticut. She previously attended Miami University, in Oxford Ohio. This is her first year writing for Her Campus.