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A Freshman Transfer: Words of Wisdom from a Second Semester Transfer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Transferring is not easy. Especially as a Freshman. I initially attended a large urban school: turns out a weekend girls trip to the city with your friends is a lot different than living and studying in a metropolis. I initially was not sure if my unhappiness at school was “normal” for a Freshman. I soon learned that the city was just not for me: I decided to get in front of my dissatisfaction by transferring to UCONN as a second-semester Freshman. Here is some advice to a transfer student, from a transfer student:


  1. Step outside of your comfort zone and put yourself out there. As a second semester transfer, I did not realize how hard it would be to meet other students (especially as an introvert!). It is important to join clubs, talk to peers in classes, and take advantage of social opportunities. While this may seem daunting (trust me, I know), the outcome is worth it.

  2. Use official resources offered on campus. Adjusting to a new place can be extremely confusing and intimidating at first. Do not feel afraid to utilize resources on campus: attend the Transfer Resource Fair or join the Transfer Learning community! Even something as simple as reaching out to your academic advisor or a professor can be very rewarding.

  3. Be confident in your choice to transfer. Although transferring may seem difficult at first, remember that admissions accepted you for a reason. You will eventually find your place and your peeps, but it is important to assure yourself that you made the right decision. Know that good things come with time.

  4. Stay as busy as possible. Keeping busy is one of the most important things to do as a transfer student: staying in your room does not allow for meeting new people or trying new things. Even something as simple as going to the gym or studying in public allows for opportunities to meet new friends and adjust to new surroundings!

  5. Don’t get discouraged if transferring feels difficult. Just because you had a bad experience at your old school does not mean that the new school is going to be “smooth sailing” or “all rainbows and unicorns” from here on out. Adjusting to a new place is difficult, but it is important to not let your past experiences get in the way of moving forward. Rather than dwelling on the negativity of your old school, think about your past as a learning experience. 


There is no doubt that transferring is hard. No one wants to be “the new kid” for the second time in a row. Just know that you are not alone and that there is a significant transfer student presence on every campus! Also, it’s pretty reassuring that Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Steven Spielberg were all transfer students!










Photo by https://burst.shopify.com/@sarahpflugphoto?utm_campaign=photo_credit&amp…”>Sarah Pflug from https://burst.shopify.com/back-to-school?utm_campaign=photo_credit&u…”>Burst

Ally is a Sophomore at the University of Connecticut.