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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.


Name: Evan Olson

Year: Junior

Hometown: Harwinton, CT

Major: Finance

Relationship status: Single

Dream Job: Investment banker or a successful salesman

Describe yourself in three words: Adventurous, friendly, carefree

Why did you choose UConn: Sports and its well known business school

Favorite study spot on campus: 4th floor of the library

Favorite date spot on campus: Would definitely go off campus for a date

So.. your favorite off-campus date: My ideal date would be a bucket of coronas on a beach

What clubs are you involved in: Club soccer

Biggest pet peeve: Ugly feet and bad breath

Favorite Food: Chicken

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Aniston

What is the most attractive to you in a significant other: Nice eyes and smile

What’s the best thing you’ve done at UConn so far: Couldn’t pin point one best thing, every part of it so far has been awesome! If I had to I would say probably beating syracuse at XL last year