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Embracing The Unpredictable: My First Nine Weeks At UConn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

There weren’t any number of “college move-in day,” or “Ultimate college freshman advice” YouTube videos or TikToks that could have prepared me for my first nine weeks at the University of Connecticut. The only important advice they gave included getting involved and staying on top of your grades, which without a doubt is very important because of the fact that college students pay a lot of money, and getting your money’s worth is key.

College is such a personal journey that all of those “Navigating College” videos and articles are useless. What one person did that made them have a successful four years will not work the next. And that is what makes these four years so special, being able to discover your interests and having the resources at your fingertips to make everything come to life. It’s truly incredible, but it is also very overwhelming.

Semester recap

During these past nine weeks here at UConn, I’ve learned so much more about myself than I ever thought I would. Pushing myself completely out of my comfort zone and with that I have discovered an interest I never knew I had. Being a chapter member of Her Campus UConn is something I never thought I would be doing, but I am and it is one of the best decisions I’ve made. I’ve also had both the pleasure and opportunity to be a part of The Daily Campus community, serving as formerly as an associate to now the Digital Editor of UConn’s independent newspaper.  

But with all of this personal growth comes a lot of stress and uncertainty. I came to college with a plan and not your average plan, an oddly specific plan. It consisted of things I wanted to get done each semester in full detail, creating unrealistic expectations of what I imagined college to be like. But while concluding my freshman year, I realized that it is okay not to have everything figured out. College is supposed to be a journey and you take the fun out of it if you are sprinting to the finish line without stopping to smell the flowers. 


These past nine weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions, but I would not trade them for anything. I have grown so much as a person and met so many new people. I am honestly excited to see what the future holds and what will unravel in the next three years. College is truly a once in a lifetime experience, and I am truly grateful to be a Husky!

Ky’Lynn Monts is a freshman at the University Of Connecticut studying English Education. Ky’Lynn’s writing will focus on news, wellness and life. Beyond Her Camps, Ky’Lynn is works as the Associate Digital Editor now Digital Editor for The Daily Campus, UConn’s independent, student ran newspaper. Ky’Lynn’s hometown is Manchester, Connecticut and occasionally she serves as a volunteer photographer, covering events and supplying photos for her former school district. Aside from being a writer, Ky’Lynn also enjoys reading, trying new things, listening to music and hanging with friends as well as partaking in workout classes with them! Ky’Lynn’s end goal is to become a high school English teacher and to engage and promote collaboration and community within her classroom as well as in her school community.