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Campus Club Celebrity: S.H.A.P.E.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Husky Collegiettes! Thinking about joining a new club at the start of this spring semester? Not quite sure where to start? I know that when you enter the involvement fair, especially for the first time, having hundreds of fliers and “sign up here” sheets waved in your face can be a bit overwhelming. So, let me help you out by suggesting a club that you may want to focus on finding more about!

Interested in promoting confidence and the accepting attitudes towards body shapes? Want to make a difference on campus by raising awareness about eating disorders and the resources UConn has available? If so, then you should keep your eye out for UConn’s very own peer education group: S.H.A.P.E. (Students Helping to Achieve Positive Esteem).

Together, the members of this organization work throughout the semester to prepare multiple presentations for sororities and other groups of students on campus. These presentations often lead to successful conversations and discussions regarding self esteem, body image, warning signs of an eating disorder and how our society and the media currently influences body image.

As a member of S.H.A.P.E. over this past Fall semester, I have learned about how much the female mind is manipulated into thinking one specific look, (the look often featured on covers of magazines and other forms of media), is the “perfect” image. As females, we are trained to want to achieve that ideal in order to feel beautiful. S.H.A.P.E is an inspiring group to get involved with because not only do you realize how silly it is to try to change your body into something it is not, but you also get to be a member of the revolution in changing women’s body esteem. It also helps you learn more about the different effects of media, the harm of things like “fat talk” and it also opens your mind and knowledge to different ways to distress yourself and ways to keep your body healthy.

Curious to see what other ways S.H.A.P.E. promotes body image on campus? See them in action April 7th-18th in the Student Union Art Gallery. S.H.A.P.E will be hosting their very own art show on true beauty. 

Do you have artistic ability and are thinking you may want to be a part of this great event? You can contribute to this art show by submitting two side-by-side drawings of one person of your own choice.   The first drawing will be based on the subject’s description of how they look and the second drawing should be based on the artist’s perception of how the subject looks to them. The purpose of this is to show people that their perception of themselves isn’t the same as how others view them. We are the only ones who can see our imperfections.  In addition, we are also asking artists to write 100-500 words explaining how their drawing is relevant to the art show. All questions and entries must be sent via email to warrier.jeansimon@uconn.edu with their name and contact information included.

Or, if you just want to get involved with the group on other events… see you at the involvement fair January 29th in the Student Union 2:00-7:00pm!