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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

With spring break fast approaching, it is time for relaxation. Midterms certainly are a stressful time for any student with stress levels at a high. Therefore, taking this time to do things that are fun and destressing is extremely important. For me personally, reading is my way to unwind and escape so this break will mostly consist of seeing family and friends and reading as many books as I can. If you too are looking for ways to destress or reading is your de-stressor, here are some of my recommendations for books to read over the break.

1. Happy Place by Emily Henry

The first book on my recommendations list is Happy Place by Emily Henry. This is the perfect spring break book as it follows a group of friends on their yearly Maine vacation in a little cottage. However, things become tense because Harriet and Wyn broke up six months ago but never told any of their friends. The atmosphere of Maine during the summer ultimately transports you and makes you feel like you’re on vacation even if you aren’t. The close-knit friendship in the book also makes you instantly invested as the friends are truly like family to one another. Add the massive break-up secret being kept, and you will never be bored reading this book, wondering if Harriet and Wyn will and should end up back together. The charm of this book makes it a must to pick up this spring break.

2. Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

Next on the list is Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert. This book is set in the U.K. and follows Chloe Brown, a chronically ill computer geek who always has a set plan for everything. However, after having a near-death experience, Chloe decides to create a list of things in an attempt to “get a life.” However, due to reservations, she enlists the help of her apartment handyman Red to help. As they embark on the journey to get a life, feelings arise. Once again, the setting of this book makes it perfect for spring break. The book lists some U.K. staples, and the words used by the characters truly take you to the U.K. So, if you feel FOMO for not traveling anywhere this might be the book for you. Chloe is also a truly likable character you cannot help but root for as she paves her path with her utmost confidence. Lastly, the chemistry between Chloe and Red is the sweetest thing to read about and will make your heart swoon, truly giving a book that is a great escape.

3. Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley

If you are looking for something different than romance to read, Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley must be on your Spring break to-read list. This book follows teen Perry Firekeeper-Birch who, after getting into a fender bender, is forced to work the summer to pay for the damages as indigenous women in their community keep going missing. However, as she dives further into work she originally dreaded, she learns about Warrior Girl and that her bones and knife were never returned to her tribe and instead are kept in the university museum basement. She then investigates NAGPRA, a federal law that states tribes are entitled to ancestral remains and items taken by archeologists, universities, and museums. She forms a mission to bring Warrior Girl home and end the loopholes the university is using to keep the remains. If you are looking for a book with mystery elements that will also teach about history and its implications today, this book is perfect. It is set in the summer, giving a seasonal feel while having mystery elements that keep you wanting to read what happens next. Lastly, you can not help but cheer on defiant Perry as the loopholes of NAGPRA are brought to light.

4. A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes

Next on the list is A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes. This book follows the tale of the Trojan War but from the women’s perspective. Many times, with Greek mythology and history they were written by the men and starred the men. This book aims to change that with multiple Trojan women’s perspectives as the Trojan War rages on. The vivid details and descriptions in this book instantly transport you to Ancient Greece and may you feel how these women felt, having to make difficult decisions or being forced to take responsibility for the men’s actions. Even as an avid Greek history and mythology lover, I learned a lot through this book in such an impactful and engaging way that I had to include it on this list.

5. These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

My last recommendation is These Violent Delights. It follows teens Roma and Juliette in 1920s Shanghai as a mysterious illness running rampant brings these two foes from rival gangs together. The top reason I adore this book is that it is a Romeo and Juliet retelling so there is a romance aspect in it. Also, the polarity between Roma’s softness with Juliette’s cutthroat mentality makes their dynamic the best. Add in the backdrop of bustling Shanghai with a stellar set of side characters helping to solve the mystery — this book will be one of your favorites, guaranteed.


Spring break is such a great time with the weather finally warming up and many people heading to the beaches or simply relaxing. One way to relax is to read during this time and I know, at least for me, it’s how I will be spending a lot of my time. So, these are just some of my recommendations of what to read as you too try to soak in some sunlight.

Sophia is a junior at the University of Connecticut studying Communication. She loves reading romance books, Dunkin' Donuts coffee, her two dogs, and listening to music.