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Alzheimer’s Association Celeb

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Name: Michelle Mellina

UConn Standing- Senior Honors student

Hometown: Farmingdale, NY

Major: Allied Health- Pursing a career as a Physicians’ Assistant (PA)

Contribution to UConn: Founded the Alzheimer’s Association- President of the Alzheimer’s Association

Michelle started the UConn Alzheimer’s association in 2009 as a freshman after a family member was diagnosed with the disease. The association quickly gained the attention of over a dozen students who were interested in finding a cure for the disease. Alzheimer’s has affected millions of people in the country and needs funding for research. The UConn Alzheimer’s Association has attracted many students with events such as fundraisers and socials where all the money is donated to finding research. Michelle works for the popular local donut shop “Faddy’s” which helps bring in money for Alzheimer’s funds. Michelle is passionate about ending the disease and encourages all interested students to attend a meeting and learn how they too can put an end to alzheimers.