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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

If you have a fear of being by yourself, you are not alone. It can be scary trying to do things on your own, especially when surrounded by others. In college, all we see are other people and that can get intimidating if you are by yourself.  I have learned to cope with doing things alone and wanted to share a few of my tips for tackling your fears.

Bring A Distraction

One of my biggest coping mechanisms is wearing my headphones. They become a security blanket for being alone.  You have something to distract yourself from all of your surroundings. Now, if you are scared of not hearing what’s around you, you can wear them in just one ear. This is what I do so I can still have awareness but can transport myself into my own world when I wish to. Another great distraction would be a book or activity. How many times have you seen someone out alone reading? Probably more than you can count. This is a great way to distract yourself from the idea of being alone.  

gilmore girls, rory reading
Warner Bros

Judgment Free Zone

Plenty of people around you are doing things alone. Have you ever seen someone sitting alone and judged them?  I’m assuming no. No one is paying attention to what a random stranger is doing or who they are with. Respectfully, everyone is caught up in themselves and their own world to care whether or not someone is sitting alone. This should provide comfort knowing that no one is going to be judging you for doing something alone.


Is there something you’ve been dying to do, but no one will go with you? Go anyway! No one should hold you back from the things you are looking forward to. Whether this is an event or a place you’ve been dying to go to. Enjoy it on your own!  Wouldn’t you rather be able to go enjoy what you wanted to do without someone who wouldn’t enjoy it as much as you?  It is always better to go alone than to wonder what it would be like had you gone.

treat yourself

Again, it can be scary to do something alone. Reward yourself for taking those steps. Take a trip for a sweet treat, watch your favorite movie, or visit your comfort spot. Do something that is going to make you feel good. The first time I went to do something alone I treated myself to my favorite lunch.  This can help give some relief for stepping out of your comfort zone.

“you have an out”

No one is keeping you there. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, then you have an out. You never have to stay somewhere that you don’t like being. No one is forcing you to stay. It is always comforting to know that if warranted, you have the freedom to leave. Give yourself permission to leave if you do not wish to stay.

Now go out there and be with yourself!  It can be very scary at first but it will feel better the more comfortable you get. I hope these tips help provide you with some comfort or bravery to go take time for yourself and enjoy life!

Delaney is a junior communications major from Massachusetts. This year she is serving as the HuskyTHON Coordinator for the chapter. HuskyTHON is a year-long fundraiser for Connecticut Children's. In her spare time, she likes to do graphic design or binge watch the latest tv show. She wants to do social media marketing in her future and believes Her Campus is a great stepping stone. When not at Her Campus, you can find her at dance, hanging with friends, or fundraising for HuskyTHON.