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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

The end is near and you may be looking at these past four years wondering where the time went. It feels like you were just a Freshman moving into your first dorm, but now you’ve found yourself worrying about what you’re going to do after you graduate. Don’t fret because you’re definitely not alone. Here are some tips for my fellow seniors on how to thrive during your last year.


1.) Take a deep breath and don’t compare yourself to others

If you’ve found yourself having a mid life crisis and freaking out about what you’re going to do after college this is for you. One of the most important pieces of advice I’ve received is that you’ve probably done more than you give yourself credit for. Instead of worrying about whether you’ve done enough and if you’ve done as much as other people, take a second to appreciate what you have done. Look at everything you’ve accomplished in the past four years, big or small and be your biggest supporter. Just because Joey and Sally have this going on doesn’t mean you have to, or that you’re behind. It just means you’re not Joey or Sally and that’s okay you’re you.

2.) Visit your career center

Make sure you’re utilizing all your resources. Talking to your academic and career advisors may help relieve a lot of the stress you’re feeling and help put you on the right path to your success. Other resources like getting your resumes or cover letters critiqued can help you tie up any loose ends you may have and can help you feel more career ready.

3.) Network

Networking seems like a really scary thing to a lot of people but it’s one of the greatest resources. Go to that networking event! Use your connections! It can prove to be really beneficial for you career wise. Talk to your family, your friends, colleagues, anyone can be a connection and have connections to help you. Don’t be scared to use them and reach out. Don’t be afraid to use LinkedIn connections or reach out to alum, you never know if you don’t try and the last thing you want to do right now is dwell over a “what if”

4.) Brand yourself

When looking for job prospects or just going into your near future, it’s important to think about how you brand yourself both in person and on social media. You’re going to have to market yourself so be your number one fan! Anything that is attached to your name is a reflection of you so make sure your name and your brand is exactly what you want people to know when they think about you. 

5.) Take advantage of last minute opportunities

It’s never too late! If you feel like you’re running out of time and feel like you haven’t accomplished as much as you wanted know that you still have time. It’s not too late to get involved, if something comes your way don’t be afraid to take it and definitely don’t be afraid to seek it out just because it’s your last year. The last thing you want to do is look back and wish you did something so take advantage of opportunities and resources while you can.

6.) Enjoy your senior year

They say it goes by fast, and it definitely does so enjoy your time while you can. Get the most out of your year in every way you possibly can because when it’s time to leave I want you to know for certain that you’ve had the best experience you possibly could have