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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

I used to consider podcasts “lame”, but as I’ve gotten older I realized they really are worth your time! I remember trying to listen to podcasts back in high school and could never figure out how people listened to them. It was not until I got into college that I found my “thing” in the world, which is animal science and veterinary medicine.

My podcast journey began during a veterinary internship when I was commuting two hours a week to the clinic and was extremely bored halfway through the drive. Below, check out my three favorite podcasts as a true crime junkie, reality TV lover, and veterinary medicine enthusiast!

1) Murder in america

This podcast is usually my go-to on long drives because it is just.so.good. Remember when I said I discovered podcasts during my drive time as a veterinary intern? Well, this was the first one I discovered. The episodes are longer than your average podcast but I promise it is 100% worth the listen! My favorite aspect of Murder in America is that the podcasters get straight to the point and stay on track. If you are like me, I’m super picky and have tried listening to what feels like 100 true crime podcasts but can never feel engaged because of the side conversations, weird audio, etc. The podcasters cover just about every murder case in America and organize the podcasts by state so it’s easier to stay on track with your listening. If you are looking for a podcast that feels like you are watching a TV show while getting your full true crime fix, then this one is for you! If the content of this podcast wasn’t already amazing, the podcasters also have an Instagram page where they post photos from each of the cases, which I think really grabs you and keeps you interested!

2) Straight from the horse doctor’s mouth

If you’re a horse girl, veterinary student, or animal lover in general then you will love listening to Straight from the Horse Doctor’s Mouth. I get it, this will definitely not seem appealing to your average person, but as an animal science student (and future veterinarian), I love listening to this podcast because it covers everything you need to know about horse ownership, management, and equine health. I discovered this podcast (as mentioned above) during my veterinary internship when one of the veterinarians started listening to it in the car! This podcast will keep all the vet girlies and animal lovers up-to-date on all things horses. Enjoy!

3) 90 day fiancé trash talk

Okay, you are a real one if you love 90 Day Fiancé. I have followed the show since the first season, and we now have what feels like 100 different spin-offs. 90 Day Fiancé Trash Talk focuses on 90 Day Happily Ever After and 90 Day The Single Life, and is what I consider the best gossip fest you will ever find. Host Tracey Carnazzo and co-host Noelle gossip about the most recent episodes of the show whether it be the disaster of a love story, an iconic makeup look, or a completely staged scene. Find a completely outrageous moment in the show? Tracey and Noelle got it covered. You think the cast rented an Airbnb and pretended it was their house? Tracey and Noelle found the Airbnb link. I genuinely look forward to listening to this podcast every week because it’s like a stress reducer in a time when colleges schedule exams on the same day, at the same time. If you are a 90 Day Fiancé lover there is no doubt you will love this. 10/10!

Happy listening!

Tia Burton

U Conn '24

Tia is a junior at the University of Connecticut studying animal science and pre-veterinary studies. Outside of writing, Tia enjoys riding horses, reading, or binging Netflix.