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8 Things You Should Know Before Dating A Feminist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Feminism: the big scary “F” word that makes non-feminists cringe. “Man-hater”, hostile b*tch, radicalist…I’ve heard it all before. What’s important, is to recognize that those stereotypes have it all wrong. So next time, before you head for the hills when your significant other mentions that she or he is becoming the “F” word, here are some things you are actually getting yourself into:

1. Be prepared to think critically about everything. (Wow! Thinking…) If you are consuming some form of media that begins to dehumanize or degrade women, you should expect a critical evaluation on the effect that it is causing society.

2. Before you get into a fight with your significant other about not being a feminist, answer this one question: Do you believe in the equal rights for both men and women?

Did you answer yes? Woah, congrats… you’re a feminist. (Not so painful, huh?)

3. If she takes initiative in something, that makes her a leader and ambitious. Not bossy.

4. Don’t even think about making domestic violence or rape jokes. Feminist or not, that’s not funny.

5. She does not give into peer pressure. Society is telling me to lose weight? That being a size 0 is the only form of beauty? I will live my life the way I want to. 

6. You do not have to worry about being “manly”, unemotional and tough all the time because to her, you are just much as a human as she is. She will accept you no matter what.

7.  She knows how to speak up and take a stance. She is strong. She accepts failure, but uses that as a way in knowing that she must continue trying.

8. Fighting for something that she believes in is second nature to her. You should know how to fight for what you truly want as well.