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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

With winter break rapidly approaching, it’s safe to say that it seems like just yesterday we were hauling our bins of belongings into our new rooms here at UConn back in August. Now that it is almost time to return home for a while, we’ve definitely been looking forward to several little luxuries back at home.

1. Your Bathroom

Ditch those shower flip-flops, because being back at home means you are back in the comfort (not to mention privacy) of your own bathroom. We definitely won’t miss that feeling of forgetting our towel, caddy, or worst of all…our room key. 

2. Your Bed

Especially if you’re returning to one that is full-sized, being in the coziness of your own sheets and blankets makes you realize just how much you missed it.  Plus, you won’t have to jump or climb in order to get on it.

3. “Real” Food

Goodbye, dining hall…for now. The excitement is greater than ever for mom’s homemade cookies, or dad’s famous morning pancakes.

4. The Living Room Couch

Nothing says “home” like being able to collapse on that comfy, familiar couch in front of the TV, where (if you didn’t have a TV in your dorm) you can now finally take part in watching ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas.

5. Your Siblings

Whether you have younger siblings that are still living home, or older ones that are also on their college journey, there’s no better feeling than being greeted at the door by them as you lug in your suitcases for the month-long return. Being able to update each other on life over dinner or while preparing for family movie night is definitely something to look forward to.

6. Your Pets

Nothing says, “welcome home!” quite like seeing your dog’s excitement and greeting with slobbery “I missed you” kisses, or the purring of your cat as it snuggles up against your leg. 

7. Driving

Another big thing underclassmen are particularly deprived of is the privilege of having cars on campus, so returning to the freedom of driving is definitely something that was dearly missed…but hopefully all that time not driving didn’t make you too rusty.

8. Your Friends

…Who are now home too! Possibly the best thing about returning home is being reunited with your friends, who you probably haven’t seen in months. Being able to return to the usual movie nights, tooling-around-the-mall days, or just going into town to get lunch provide a great comfort and make you realize how truly happy you are to be back home.