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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Notorious for the ridiculously large crowds and awesome deals, Black Friday, the busiest and craziest shopping day of the year, is quickly approaching.  As your Thanksgiving food baby begins to emerge, thousands of people are prepping their midnight excursions to snag the lowest prices for everything on their holiday shopping lists.  

What’s the key to getting the most out of your Black Friday experience? Planning, planning, planning! Here are some tips and tricks to make sure you’re ahead of the game:

Early Bird Gets the Worm

This applies mainly if you’re looking to buy electronics or appliances that are generally pretty pricey. You’re not the only one that’s eyeing that awesome (and cheap) stereo system or tablet, so getting there around midnight would be ideal to ensure what you want doesn’t get sold out.


The worst thing you could go is walk into the mall and start aimlessly browsing for deals; Nope, not today! Do your research beforehand and make a list of everything you need to buy. Larger stores such as Macy’s and Best Buy will fill up with crowds the fastest, so your best bet would be to look for your items at smaller stores first. 

Take Advantage of Your Phone

Be one step ahead of the game and download apps such as RetailMeNot to help filter through deals and coupons tailored to your needs. You may even find a few coupons that aren’t offered directly in stores. Search for discount calculator apps also ensure you’re sticking to your budget by estimating how much items cost and how much money you’ll save. Because hey, saving $20 at one store means spending $20 at another, right? Eh, maybe.

Bring a Buddy

Watching two people fight over a pair of shoes is definitely more fun with a friend. Having some company with you while you shop means having someone to talk to, make decisions with, and snag a spot for you in that horrid long line while you grab last minute items.

Keeps Snacks on Hand

Shopping, especially on a day like this, can get exhausting. Don’t bother with food courts and stands in the mall because those lines won’t be worth the wait. Keep bottled water, granola bars, or some fruit on hand with you to stay fueled up and focused while you shop.  KIND Healthy Grains Bars are perfect for Black Friday shopping as they combine crunchy and chewy textures and are super nutritious. They come in tons of yummy flavors like caramel macchiato and peanut butter dark chocolate.

Just Stay Home

Many people love the hustle and bustle that comes with Black Friday, but if your food coma settled in longer than expected, don’t worry. Put on your pajamas, grab another slice of apple pie, and get comfortable on your couch: Hello online shopping! You can find special offers not available in stores, some that even start on Thanksgiving Day. Definitely hit up Amazon, and take advantage of their student membership program if you haven’t already, you’ll get six months of free Amazon Prime benefits. (2-day shipping is so worth it!)

With this list of helpful tips, you’ll survive the chaos of Black Friday with ease like the awesome collegiette pro that you are. Oh, and don’t put your wallet away just yet…. Cyber Monday is just around the corner.