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5 Ways to Stay Comfy From Now Until Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Now that midterms are (hopefully) behind us, gone are the days of actually trying to look presentable for class. It’s just not happening. Here are some tips on how to stay super comfy from now until finals week:

1. Leggings ARE pants.

Leggings are comfy and easy to throw on in the morning and make fall outfits really cute. Whether you’re pairing them with your Bean Boots that took way too long to finally break in, or with your favorite running shoes, they are essential for every outfit. We’ve even compiled a list of affordable workout leggings.

2. Oversized sweaters!

I am here for oversized sweaters – bonus points if it’s a turtleneck. It is a proven fact that if your sleeves can cover your hands and your sweater has room to fit another person in it, you will be much comfier. Last season I even discovered blanket scarves – giant, oversized scarves that keep you warm and cozy. 

3. Bye bye, iced coffee. 

I’m sorry to have to say this, but the season for iced coffee is coming to an end. A hot coffee just does a much better job at warming you up. Plus, it can keep your hands warm as you walk across campus!

4. Perfect your messy bun.

I throw my hair in a messy bun more often than I would like to admit. Do I have pieces of hair sticking straight up? Probably. Do I care? Nope. If you can’t perfect your messy bun (me neither, girl) any sort of braid is a good alternative. They’re quick and easy to do in the morning – or on your way to your 8 a.m. (guilty as charged).

5. Naptime, baby!

I don’t know about you, but when I wake up at 7 a.m. every morning, the first thing I think about is when I’m going to get the chance to nap. Grab a fuzzy blanket, put on some Netflix and within minutes you’ll be sound asleep. 

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