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5 Things to be Thankful for at UConn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

It’s the season of giving thanks, and walking around UConn, there are plenty of things we can be thankful for. Here are a few things that will make you give thanks while walking around UConn.

1. Short Dunkin Lines

It’s very rare, but when you walk into the Student Union and see that there is a very short line for Dunkin, it will definitely make your day.

2. So. Much. Free. Stuff.

Especially during the first few weeks of the semester, there are so many opportunities for free t-shirts, water bottles, stickers, coupons, the list goes on and on!

3. When you get to the bus stop as soon as the bus gets there

Okay, so the bus stops might not all be in the most convenient locations but when you FINALLY get to one and you don’t have to stand in the freezing cold, it’s a wonderful feeling.

4. Good boy sightings

UConn is full of dogs on afternoon strolls or getting their morning run in. Big dogs. Small dogs. Dogs wearing sweaters. Arguably the best is when you see the goodest boy of them all: Jonathan himself!

5. Any opportunity to show off your UConn pride

UConn apparel is appropriate attire for any event. Sports games, tailgates, class and parties are all valid opportunities to rep your UConn pride.



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