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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Getting a break from school is always an amazing thing.  No work, no waking up early for your 8 a.m classes, and you get to sleep in your own bed at home.  While everyone gets sad when break is over, sometimes it’s even harder to let go of.  Here are 4 signs you’re really in a post-vacation slump.

1) You always get a horrible feeling when you wake up and realize you actually have to go to class. Actually waking up to go to class is a true struggle for any college student that has just returned from break, so you take an extra 5 minutes to just lay there like:

2) You take any and every opportunity to watch Netflix for 5 hours straight.. After all the procrastinating and avoiding work as much as possible during break, it is kind of hard to stop… so you don’t. You just want to be able to watch another season of Grey’s Anatomy in a single day, no big deal. 

3) You think about the next holiday that’s coming up to get you through each week.  You have to remind yourself that the week is almost over every day, even if it isn’t. That means another week closer to Christmas! Yay! 

4) You count down each day to the next time you get to go home. You miss your bed. You miss your dog. You miss your mom. So it is only right to download a countdown app to track, by the hour, how long you have left until you’re reunited with all your friends and family.

Stay strong collegiettes, winter break is almost here!


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