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3 Tips to Stick to Your Workout Plan During Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

article written by Hayley Reissfelder

For most people, midterms have finally sprung upon us and the relaxing days of syllabus week are far behind us. Most time is spent in the library studying for 3 tests, a quiz and trying to maintain our sanity. On top of all this, there’s that little voice in the back of our heads telling us that we need to squeeze time to go to the gym. Just because bikini season is over doesn’t mean we can quit working out, remember those skinny jeans? While academics should always come first, there are ways to fit in a decent workout and still have enough time to get all your cramming in! Use these tips to maintain both your brains and beauty:

1) Wake Up Early

Set your alarm an hour or two earlier and just do it. Getting it done early keeps it from hanging over your head for the rest of the day and allows you to focus solely on school work. This way you’re also saving yourself from skipping it later when “you have too much work to do” or when “you’re too tired”. There’s also benefits to working out in the AM! Some which include: it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day, it wakes you up, exercise helps you think clearer and focus better, as well as releases endorphins to put you in a good mood for the rest of the day. 

So even though waking up early seems like an impossible chore, there are so many benefits that accompany morning exercise that it’s an option you should seriously consider. 

2) Use the Gym As a Study Break

Let’s be honest, most of us cannot productively study for hours on end without any breaks. Studying is mentally exhausting and even if you are super motivated and focused, you’ll eventually burn out. When you catch yourself starting to think about last week’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, get up and go for a run or head to the gym for a quick workout! Just 30-60 minutes of exercise can clear your mind and help you focus better when it’s time to get back to work. Plus, it’s a good rational for the late night library munchies.

3) Exercise While You Work

Lastly, doing some studying while you work out can be an easy way to burn some extra calories and keep up on the material. While your workout may not be as intense and solely focusing on your activity, doing things such as reading while using a stationary bike or listening to an audiobook on a walk can help you squeeze in a decent workout while keeping your conscious guilt-free. If you want to fit in a harder workout, this technique can still be used! A practical way of exercising and studying is to do small circuits in between readings, sections of notes, etc. Here’s a sample circuit set you could do in your dorm I came up with:

  • 20 jumping jacks
  • 20 Bicep curls
  • 20 Tricep extensions
  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 push ups
  • 20 lunges
  • 20 high knees
  • 20 shoulder presses
  • 20 lunges(each leg)
  • 10 burpees
  • 30 second plank
  • 30 second side plank (one on each side)

If you keep breaks between each exercise to a minimum (ideally none) and repeat 3 or 4 times through this can be a killer workout! You can modify it for shorter or longer intervals, more or less repetitions, basically in any way which makes it work for you.

Everybody is different and these methods may work for some and not for others but all in all, if you’re truly dedicated to consistently working out you’ll find a way that works best for you!

Hey I'm Hayley and I'm a sophomore here at UConn form Boston, MA. I'm a Marketing major and Communications minor with a strong interest in fashion and journalism. I hope to be the next future Lauren Conrad one day and run my own lifestyle blog. I'm also interested in fitness and health, movies and television, as well as psychology (such a random assortment of things, I know). When I'm not trying to maintain my sanity with homework, the gym and studying, I spend most of my time with my sisters in my sorority or catching up on my TV shows through Netflix. You can contact me through email or on here! :)