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photo of corn field
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

18 Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Roomies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

 You stalked them on Facebook and Instagram months before you met them, and now that you know and love each other (hopefully) you realize that these are reasons you should be thankful for your roommates.

1. They’re honest about whether your outfit looks good or not.

2. They pick you up from class when you’re too lazy to walk back to the room.

3. They are there to listen to you when you’re sad.

4. They swipe you into the dining hall if you don’t feel like grabbing your card from your backpack.

5. They are not afraid to tell you that you’re making a bad decision.

6. They sit with you in the library for hours even if they have no work to be doing.

7. They are there for you on your rough nights.

8. Occasionally you come back to Dunkin sitting on your desk for you.

9. They will always order pizza with you, no matter what time of day it is.

10. You know all of their gossip from home and now are actually friends with their “HOMEies”.

11. They are always down to stay in with you some weekends…

12.  They are also always down to go out and have fun with you any day of the week.

13.  They are always checking up on you.

14. You can rely on them to not get annoyed when it takes 20 tries to get a good picture

15. You lend each other money but don’t pay it back because you know it will even out eventually

16. They force you to get up and go to the gym with them (secretly VERY thankful).

17. You can count on them to never judge you, or anything you have done.

18. They are your best friends and you don’t know what you would do without them.