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16 Times Mindy Lahiri was our Spirit Animal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

On April 12, all new episodes of The Mindy Project will be released on Hulu.  While we anxiously await the return of our spirit animal, Mindy, here are 16 times she was deemed the most relatable person on TV. 

1. Our mantra ..to everything that ever happens in college:


2. When you’re early for class and don’t want to interact with your fellow classmates:


3. When those 4am post-party cravings kick in on a Saturday night:


4. We deserve Wings Over Storrs just as much as Wings Over Storrs deserves us:​



5. Every time you see a couple display any type of PDA:


6. When you’re far too involved around campus:


7. When everyone has a FB invite to this weekend’s darty but you have zero new notifications:



8. That mid-party bathroom run always leaves us like:


9. People who are three weeks behind on Scandal leave us utterly confused:


10. It’s self-explanatory, really:


11. Mindy knows you’ve gotta go through your Ray J to get to your Kanye:


12. Eating a salad for dinner and resisting pizza always leaves us feeling empowered: 


13. So is ours, Mindy:



14. Go big or go home #cakecakecake: 


15. The sad moment that the hot guy from class is like talking to wall:

16. Mindy for president:





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