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15 Thoughts Freshmen Had at the End of Their First Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

The members of the Class of 2015 left their high school halls and walked onto college campuses this year to begin the next chapter in their academic lives. 

While some may have walked in feeling pretty confident…

Others walked in a little nervous…

…and even a little scared.  But now that the first semester is ending as quickly as it began, we asked other freshmen from all different colleges for their reactions to their first semester.  Here is a list of the 15 most relatable responses and anonymous quotes from the freshmen themselves.

1. College can be exhausting 

“I could sleep for a month.”

2.  It’s already time to pay the fee bill again?

“Oh gee, the bill for second semester is going to be posted in a week, I need to get a job, where did all my money go?”

3.  THAT class is over!

It has been proven that the human mind can only focus for 25 minutes at a time without taking a break… if this class is 75 minutes AND I don’t like it anyway… I’m probably going to have a hard time paying attention.

4.  Some classes aren’t that bad

“Some are pretty rad.”

5.  You either love or hate each professor

Hopefully you get ones that are really good at teaching.

6.  Professors can do and say whatever they want

Definitely didn’t hear any high school teachers say that…

7.  Dining hall food is awful

“The food here is awful, I need to be rich so that I can employ a personal chef.  [They] can live in my dorm room with me and my roommates, and cook for us, and greet us when we get back from classes, and [they] will become a part of the squad and we will love [them] and [they] will feed us well.”  We all have our dreams and better food isn’t a bad dream to have.

8.  Parking is terrible

“[The parking lot] is a half-mile from my dorm and I am the closest dorm to it.  And that’s just the front of the lot.  It’s a full mile if you have to park in the back.”

9.  There is nothing better than going to a game

“Hockey and football are dope – games are lit.”  And basketball – if you go to UConn, you can’t forget about basketball.

10.  College doesn’t necessarily measure up to the hype

“It was not what I thought it would be.  I was really excited about all things college, but then I found out it’s not as exciting as the movies make it seem.”

11.  Randomly-assigned roommates work out pretty well sometimes

“I’m glad I’m coming back to the same dorm in a month, I really like these people, these are good people.”

12.  The struggle in the gyms

Aaaand, they just took the machine you were walking towards.

13.  Picking classes is terrible

“I thought not getting into one of my electives in high school was disappointing… now I know what it’s like to only get into two of your five first-choice classes.”

14.  The semester went by so fast

And now we get a whole month off for the holidays!

15.  But next semester is going to be great

“I cannot wait for my courses next semester, they’re going to be so rad.”

We’ve already finished one semester and there’s only seven left.  The time we have here is precious; don’t waste it saying you’ll try that club later, you’ll hang out with your friends next weekend, or there will be another game to go to. 

As long as the next three-and-a-half years seem now, these next seven semesters are going to go by just as fast as this first one did.  And as important as academics are, don’t forget to have a little fun too and take advantage of the crazy amount of opportunities that are at your disposal.

After all, you said it yourselves:

“That was better than high school.”

“I love college, this is where I’m meant to be.”

So collegiates, enjoy what are supposed to be ‘the best years of your life’ and make memories that you will never forget.  Look back and have no regrets.


Amanda is a senior Journalism and Communication double-major with a minor in English. Aside from writing, she loves reading, spending time with family and friends, and making videos. If you can’t find her, she’s probably at the beach. Someday, she hopes to be a director and writer for TV/Film and spend all of her free time traveling. But for now, you can read her articles on Her Campus UConn.