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14 Ways You Know Your Roommate Is Your Soulmate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

1. You get sad when your roommate leaves for the weekend (Or even when they just leave for class)

2. You look forward to going home at the end of the day to their company

3. You and your roommate have become a package deal when going out

4. You have both grown the ability to communicate through hidden implications

5. If your roommate had a bad day, you had a bad day

6. A night spent in can be just as fun as a night out

7. You know exactly what to order for your roommate when you both decide on take-out  

8. You have accepted one another at their worst… or weirdest

9. Their opinion matters on everything (What to wear, who to date, what to say in an e-mail…)

10. They will listen to you vent through all of your problems

11. And be there for you when you need it

12. You take on the dance floor together when you go out

13. Their enemies are your enemies, and vice versa. You take them down together

14. No matter what, you always have each other