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10 Things We Wish We Could Tell Our Freshman Selves: As Told By UConn Her Campus Seniors

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

As the semester winds down and you look back at your past few years at UConn, I bet a million thoughts are running through your head. What could you have done differently? Did you miss out on something big along the way? Did you skip out on an opportunity that you wish you would have taken? Did you do everything you wanted to do during your four years in Storrs? The senior members of Her Campus UConn told me all of the things that they wish they could tell their freshman selves. Do you agree with these? What are some other things that you wish you could tell your freshman self? 

1. Take more chances, there are so many great and fun opportunities at UConn so take advantage of them while you can!

2. Don’t worry about what other people think, do what’s right for you and what you love, even if it means making a fool of yourself in front of a bunch of people.

3. Embrace everything. College is crazy, stressful, weird, fun, exhausting, and so much more .Embrace the times you stay up all night talking with friends, the hard work you put into classes and clubs you love, and the UConn pride during basketball season. Embrace it because, before you know it, you’ll be leaving for the next chapter of your life, which is exciting, but college is a unique time in your life.

4. It’s okay to switch rooms or roommates, be an advocate for yourself.

5. Break up with your high school boyfriend who gave you problems about rushing, making new friends and going out.

6. Be open minded. Things may not work out in the way you want, but they can lead to something even better (the last school i wanted to go to was UConn, but UConn ended up giving me some of the best years of my life).

7. Appreciate your friends everyday. Don’t take being with them everyday for granted – love them, learn from them and lean on them.

8. Don’t be afraid to be independent. Even if this means going to a club meeting, event or exercising by yourself. If you are interested in something, don’t let anything stop you from enjoying it. You get to know yourself better during these four years through different experiences.

9. Don’t eat every single thing in the dining hall everyday. You will get the freshman 15. No matter what.

10. You really don’t need to pack as many clothes as you think! You don’t end up wearing more than half of them anyways.