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10 Things That Happen When You Go Home for Easter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

It’s always an adventure whenever you go home for a holiday and Easter is no exception.  Here are some things that always seem to happen on Easter at home.

1.) Wearing a spring dress when you live in New England:

New England weather never seems to cooperate on Easter.  One minute it’s 65 degrees and sunny, the next, it’s 35 degrees and raining. That cute spring dress you wanted to wear to church?  You might have to pair it with a parka and boots.  

2.)  You get to color Easter eggs 

Because growing older doesn’t mean giving up your favorite childhood traditions.  You are never too old to dye Easter eggs.  Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

3.) Easter Egg Hunt

Whether it’s watching little cousins scramble around the backyard or even sneeking off to find a few eggs yourself, egg hunts are always a favorite Easter tradition.  (A big thank you to the grandmas out there who still throw Easter egg hunts for their teenage/adult grandkids.)

4.) Eating your weight in chocolate and jelly beans

Who can resist Reece’s Peanut Butter Eggs?  Cadbury Eggs?  Peeps?  Can’t. Say. No.   

5.) Dealing with family members

“So, do you have a boyfriend yet?” “So, what do you want to do with your life?” “Will that major get you a job?” “Is that a new sweater? It is? Maybe you should’ve bought a bigger size.” “Why aren’t you more like your sister?” It goes on, and on, and on, and on….

6.)  You end up babysitting

Where there are little children, there are parents who don’t want to watch them.  Ta-da!  Suddenly you’re back to being a babysitter.  It’s not so bad until you realize you’re not getting paid because they’re family.

7.) Someone makes food that’s too cute to eat

You know those deviled eggs shaped like chicks, the chocolate dipped strawberries that look like carrots, and the bunny rabbit cupcakes all took a lot of effort.  You don’t want to mess that up…. right?  

8.) All you want to do is eat

Hours of small-talk makes everyone hungry.  One of the best things about Easter dinner?  Beautiful, glorious, succulent ham. 

9.) Nana eats the Easter eggs

Love them to death, but there’s always at least one elderly relative so senile that they try to eat the colored eggs when they’re passed out to family.  

10.) Someone brings out the old photos with the Easter Bunny from the mall

What’s a family holiday gathering without reminiscing and embarassing the kids?  These photos usually range from super adorable to creepy past the point of no return.

Have a happy Easter! HCXO

Nikki is the Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief for Her Campus UConn.  She is a senior majoring in Communication with a minor in HDFS.  Nikki wishes she was Beyoncé, worships Adele, eats more pasta than is probably recommended, and is a Ravenclaw at heart.   If you have any questions or concerns regarding Her Campus UConn, you can email her at nicoleharris@hercampus.com.