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UChicago Celebrates Holi!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.


Every spring, people all over the world celebrate the arrival of sunshine and warm weather by participating in Holi. A religious tradition that originated in the Hindu religion, Holi commemorates the god Radha’s divine love for the god Krishna. Across the world, crowds gather to throw colored paint powder on one another and enjoy the beginnings of spring.

Here in Hyde Park, SASA and the Hindu Students Sangam organized this year’s Holi celebration during Spirit Week. Over one hundred students and Hyde Park community members came to participate in the event, which began with lunch and free t-shirts, and ended in brightly colored people dancing in Eckhart Quad during the first nice day of the spring. While playing Holi, participants throw paint power on each other, aiming to cover each other in bright colors.

The celebration can best be described as collective effervescence—dancing and singing, students threw colored powder on their peers, smearing it on their faces and hair, as per Holi rules. By the end of it, my face was bright blue and purple, my friends’ were red, orange, yellow, pink. Holi is a vibrant celebration; it’s almost impossible to walk away without a brightly colored grin.

Check out UChicago’s Holi celebration next spring if you missed it this year—it’s an event you can’t miss!

Love Catherine Gao’s Holi photo? Check out her Facebook page here!: https://www.facebook.com/catherinegaophotography

An English major who grew up in the Middle East with a love for food, reading, sunny days, and cheesy movies. 
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Annie Pei

U Chicago

Annie is a Political Science major at the University of Chicago who not only writes for Her Campus, but is also one of Her Campus UChicago's Campus Correspondents. She also acts as Editor-In-Chief of Diskord, an online op-ed publication based on campus, and as an Arts and Culture Co-Editor for the university's new Undergraduate Political Review. When she's not busy researching, writing, and editing articles, Annie can be found pounding out jazz choreography in a dance room, furiously cheering on the Vancouver Canucks, or around town on the lookout for new places, people, and things. This year, Annie is back in DC interning with Voice of America once again!