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Top 5 in News: New Series Launches Next Sunday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

Living on a college campus can often feel like living in a bubble. The outside world sometimes takes the backseat to the more urgent needs of students, such as studying for that dreaded physics exam or keeping up with  duties at your on-campus job.

Reading the news sometimes doesn’t seem achievable in a jam-packed day. In lieu of  not reading the news at all, Her Campus UChicago hopes that you check back at the end of each week to read our Top 5 in News.

The new series will feature the Top 5 in College News, Top 5 in Nation News, and Top 5 in World News. The sections will feature easy-to-read news blurbs. Don’t expect to spend more than 1-2 minutes reading the sections!

 Rather than waiting for the next week for new content, you can check back each Sunday evening for your weekly dose of news. You’ll be able to feel less guilty of  not reading a single news article during midterms.

Lynda Lopez is a first year at the University of Chicago currently considering political science and comparative human development as majors. Lynda has been avidly writing for publications, both online and print, since her sophomore year of high school. During her time in high school, she wrote for the Chicago Tribune, PBS Newshour, and the New York Times Upfront Magazine. She has continued her passion in college and is currently the News and Public Affairs Intern at the University Community Service Center at UChicago as well as heading the news department at a local non-profit. When not writing, she enjoys bike-riding, watching Youtube videos, and hanging out with friends. She is excited to bring Her Campus to UChicago and hopes that it will serve as an informative and entertaining resource for women on campus.