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Taking Your Workout Outdoors!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

You can smell it in the perfume of the flowers in the air. You can hear it in the music playing by the frats: it’s spring. After having been forced indoors after months and months of winter, it is finally time to re-enter the outside world again.

By taking you work-out routine outdoors, you can take the most advantage of the rising temperature. Not only is this a great way to get yourself ‘summer-ready’ to hit the beaches during vacation, but it is also great way to restore your mental health, after having spent days of winter slaving away in the reg.

If you are unsure of what activity is best suited for you, just take a walk through campus on a sunny day to get a feel for what UChicago students do for fun when not finishing up that lengthy problem set. Here are some of the things you might encounter:

Wiffle Ball with the Frats
On a Sunday afternoon, you’ll hear them before you see them. Walk down University Avenue and you will find the frats playing music and the brothers relaxing outside. You can often find them playing a riveting game of wiffle ball on their front lawns for hours at a time. While it doesn’t necessarily count as a cardio workout, it is a fun way to get outside and see the brothers show off their skills.

Frisbee on the Quad
What kind of self-respecting campus would this be if there weren’t students outside paying homage to the traditional college sport of Frisbee? With no specific set of rules, this is a fun and easy game to play. Whether with a group with friends or even strangers, you will surely break a sweat from running and jumping through the quad.

Yoga by the Court Yard
If relaxation and reflection are more your thing, consider bringing your yoga mat to the court yard. This is the perfect time to sit outside and breathe in the spring air. You can make it as intense or as moderate as wish and still get a significant work-out while getting back in touch with yourself.

Soccer under the Stars
Remember how excited you would get during O-Week at the prospect of Midnight Soccer? This is the time to revive the tradition. There is nothing better than playing a few matches underneath the glow of the street lights with the gothic silhouettes illuminated by the moonlight. This is especially attractive for those who are seeking a more intense atmosphere while still getting to enjoy the company of others.

Running to the Point
This is my personal favorite outdoors activity. There are few images that have become so ingrained in my mind as the one encountered when crossing the bridge of Lake Shore Drive. There is nothing like seeing the piercing green-blue of the lake mix in with the light blue of the sky with the city skyline in the background. In addition to all its trails and paths, the experience of jogging here is completed by the mental peace offered by the atmosphere here.

Lynda Lopez is a first year at the University of Chicago currently considering political science and comparative human development as majors. Lynda has been avidly writing for publications, both online and print, since her sophomore year of high school. During her time in high school, she wrote for the Chicago Tribune, PBS Newshour, and the New York Times Upfront Magazine. She has continued her passion in college and is currently the News and Public Affairs Intern at the University Community Service Center at UChicago as well as heading the news department at a local non-profit. When not writing, she enjoys bike-riding, watching Youtube videos, and hanging out with friends. She is excited to bring Her Campus to UChicago and hopes that it will serve as an informative and entertaining resource for women on campus.