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Spring trends for the Frugal Fashionista

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

After tuition, books, rent, and the countless other expenses that come along with being in college, most women don’t have the spare cash laying around to buy whatever they want without so much as a thought to the price tag. But, for the fashion forward college girl a new pair of sandals or a cute purse can seem almost as essential as that calculus textbook. With spring comes the beginning of a rebirth for fashion.  Floral prints, bright colors, pastels, and sundresses all come out from hibernation.

It is hard to resist the urge to splurge after being tormented with an endless and brutal Chicago winter. Being finally able to rip off the six layers that you were wearing is exhilarating and a spring retail reward is in order. Even for the most budget conscious girl a few new spring pieces are a must, and they can all be found for a guilt-free price if you look in the right places.

eBay: It has been an Internet staple for over a decade and it is about time to make it a shopping one as well. eBay is the go-to website for anything, from the most basic appliances to the most sought after antiques. With the sheer amount of items for sale on the site, it only makes sense to utilize it to find the best deals for spring. eBay has a section exclusively for fashion, where you can specify a search to find exactly what you are looking for. Practically anything can be found on eBay for a great price whether it be new Ray Bans for 50 dollars or a Marc Jacobs clutch, eBay is a great source for finding classic name brand pieces that don’t go out of style.

Goodwill: While more trendy, “vintage” consignment shops can turn out to be more expensive than many stores which sell new merchandise, great finds can be found at the Goodwill for super cheap. A non-profit founded in 1902, Goodwill accepts donated items and utilizes its profits to help employ people in need and improve the community. With racks of dresses for about five dollars, purses for two or three, and some interesting belts and accessories, unique additions to a wardrobe can always be found here. While it can be daunting to look through the racks and racks of clothes, Urban Outfitters-esque pieces can be picked up for a steal, as well as great pumps and heels.The only downside to the Goodwill would be that it can be a hit-or-miss store, sometimes there’s nothing that good there other time you walk away with handfuls.  It all depends on luck and it is definitely worth checking out. Goodwill proves to be a great alternative to more pricey thrift stores and all proceeds go to a great cause.

Clothes swapping parties: Instead of keeping piles of clothes collecting dust in a closet, host a clothes-swapping party. Almost everyone has clothes they don’t want, so have friends and acquaintances come over with their unwanted clothes, lay them out in a living room or an open space and trade. To keep it fair have people only take as many pieces as they gave (if someone brought three pieces they should only take three etc). This is an amazing way to make room in a closet and get great new pieces for completely free.  Also, with the emergence of warm weather, many campus RSOs hold similar clothing exchanges on the quad for a small fee which usually goes to charity, so make sure to look out for those!

Discount stores (Loehmans, Feline’s basement, Marshalls, T.J. Maxx):  While these stores can bring to mind Mom clothes, defective merchandise, and past season clothes, great spring finds can be found for a persistent shopper.  Most clothing has nothing wrong with it but is sent to these discount stores because a store overstocked or the item has some microscopic thing wrong with it (think one stitch wrong). These stores have super cute flats, in season sandals and overall great shoe sections as well as great dresses, sunglasses, purses, and jewelry for a lot less money than buying the brand at a brand name store.

Grandma’s Closet:Grandma’s experienced a couple of great decades for fashion, and chances are she kept a couple (or many) super great outfits and accessories from her younger years.  With so many vintage inspired items coming back in style this spring, like cat eye sunglasses, bold prints, and flare pants Grandma’s closet may be a goldmine for great looks for this season. Ask to check out her old clothes, and ask to borrow any interesting pieces. Grandma probably has some great stories about why and where she bought the items and the great adventures she had in them. From vintage dresses and pumps to great necklaces, rings, and earrings from the 60s, 70s or 80s, raid grandma’s closet for a spring look that will be totally unique, and not to mention cheap!