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Simple Study Snacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.
Need to quiet a grumbling stomach but no time to whip up a legitimate meal? Here are some quick, incredibly easy snack ideas, none of which require cooking and, in most cases, utensils. Happy munching and good luck on your finals!

Salty: Cucumber slices dipped in hummus. If you’re not a fan of hummus, try sprinkling the slices with lime juice and top it with a little salt and pepper. Ridiculously yummy.
Sweet: A banana or an apple with a bowl of peanut butter. Frozen green grapes are another delicious treat but require planning beforehand (and by that I mean placing the grapes in the freezer—not too difficult).
Drink It Down With: Unsweetened hot or iced tea (caffeinated if the extra boost is needed)
Kind-of, Sort-of Healthy
Salty: Turkey jerky or a bowl of salsa and a handful of corn chips
Sweet: Strawberries dipped in Cool Whip or whipped cream

Drink It Down With: Sparkling/soda Water mixed with juice (OJ and cranberry work amazingly)
Absolute (But Delicious) Junk

Salty: My favorite, Hot Cheetos (Hot Cheetos Fries to be specific), or any sort of salty, indulgent chip. You will most likely not feel your best if you devour too many, so try to limit yourself to a single bowl or plastic baggie’s worth.
Sweet: A Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Bar (oh-so-typical) or a jar of Nutella paired with a spoon
Drink It Down With: An energy drink
(Warning: Eating all the “Junk” foods described in one sitting may make for a horrific ending)
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Jessica Ro

U Chicago

Jessica Ro is a third-year Public Policy student originally from Santa Monica, California, a city just west of Los Angeles. Jessica joined Her Campus because she loved the concept of reaching out specifically to college-aged females through writing. 
Lynda Lopez is a first year at the University of Chicago currently considering political science and comparative human development as majors. Lynda has been avidly writing for publications, both online and print, since her sophomore year of high school. During her time in high school, she wrote for the Chicago Tribune, PBS Newshour, and the New York Times Upfront Magazine. She has continued her passion in college and is currently the News and Public Affairs Intern at the University Community Service Center at UChicago as well as heading the news department at a local non-profit. When not writing, she enjoys bike-riding, watching Youtube videos, and hanging out with friends. She is excited to bring Her Campus to UChicago and hopes that it will serve as an informative and entertaining resource for women on campus.