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Going Cold Turkey: Maintaining a Vegan Diet in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.


With a new year come new resolutions that are usually a bit too optimistic to uphold…well, for me at least. However, this year I have actually been sticking to my long-awaited resolution of being vegan. I am currently on my third week of eating everything except for meat, dairy and anything that comes from an animal.

Cooking has never been my strong suit; luckily maintaining a vegan diet doesn’t require too much cooking since Hyde Park Produce sells delicious fruit for super cheap. However, with the craziness of school and work eating out is always the easiest option. Finding vegan options in Hyde Park has been slightly difficult, but I’ve compiled a list of a few great places that offer vegan-friendly food.

1.      The Litehouse Grill
Seriously this place is amazing. With a similar atmosphere and menu to Chipotle, The Litehouse Grill offers numerous vegan options. From pizzas to burritos anything on the menu can be made vegan if it is not already. My personal favorites are the guacamole tacos and barbeque tofu pizza. Wish your meal had other ingredients? Add any extra ingredients to your order for FREE!

2.      The Sitdown
I frequented The Sitdown far too many times before going vegan and sushi is definitely one of the things I miss the most. However, The Sitdown has great vegan maki rolls. A great vegan pairing from The Sitdown is the avocado maki roll and the Inari (fried tofu) nigiri.

3.      Thai 55
As of the past year Pad Thai has been a staple in my diet, so going vegan was a little scary because I just knew that Pad Thai is not vegan-friendly. Luckily for vegans everywhere, Thai 55 will make any item on their menu sans meat, dairy and eggs. The tofu pad thai from Thai 55 never disappoints and the vegetable massaman curry is a recent favorite of mine as well.

Whether you’re on a strict carnivorous diet or enjoy challenging yourself through dietary changes, these options can satisfy anyone’s appetite! I’ve recently discovered that Papa John’s dough and pizza sauce are vegan, so forgoing cheese and adding extra vegetables to any pizza is another easy option. Next time you’re eating out with friends I strongly recommend trying one of these vegan-friendly meals even if you’re not ready to commit to maintaining a vegan diet.

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Annie Pei

U Chicago

Annie is a Political Science major at the University of Chicago who not only writes for Her Campus, but is also one of Her Campus UChicago's Campus Correspondents. She also acts as Editor-In-Chief of Diskord, an online op-ed publication based on campus, and as an Arts and Culture Co-Editor for the university's new Undergraduate Political Review. When she's not busy researching, writing, and editing articles, Annie can be found pounding out jazz choreography in a dance room, furiously cheering on the Vancouver Canucks, or around town on the lookout for new places, people, and things. This year, Annie is back in DC interning with Voice of America once again!