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The Freshman Chronicles: Giving Thanks for the End of the Quarter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

Follow Catherine as she documents her first year at UChicago!

It’s hard to believe that I am writing this on the eve of week 10. It’s only natural then to reflect a little bit on what we’ve done in the time allotted to us. This quarter, I’ve learned countless lessons about time and stress management, what to do when you can’t stomach another afternoon in the Reg or another meal at Pierce, and how to survive on fewer and fewer hours of sleep as the days of the week pass by. My life here is beginning to feel less surreal, but luckily, has not yet begun to feel mundane.
That being said, I decided to spend Thanksgiving here at UChicago instead of going home, and had one of the most boring weekends to date. The time away from doing my homework was nice, and the fact that I live in Broadview meant that I did not actually see any proper part of campus all weekend which was refreshing, but it felt strange not having any pressing deadlines, and not hearing noises coming from my neighbors’ rooms at all hours of the day and night. Thanksgiving dinner was a success in that I enjoyed this meal more than anything I’ve eaten in the dining halls all quarter. The good cooking made me even more nostalgic for the food I have back home.

I began to countdown the days until I board my plane home for winter break, as many of my friends had been already doing, but I’ve come to the conclusion that time here passes too quickly to merit worrying about how many hours we have until the quarter ends. It’s much more important to try to find something to enjoy about these last two weeks (like the fact that the ice skating rink at the Midway is open for business). Counting down is a really horrible habit to begin now seeing as the worst—winter quarter— is still to come. And counting down for 11 weeks is much more agonizing than counting down for 2. Let’s concentrate on the positive, and worry a little bit more about our GPA’s than how much we’d rather be at home watching horrible TV shows.
(Side note: This is mostly advice for myself, as I really have no clue where to begin studying for the finals that will decide whether or not I’ll pass my classes for the quarter)
It seems, though, that the university has thought of everything: if you’re like me and have good studying experience under your belt, you should consider signing up for the finals workshop that is being conducted by the Student Counseling and Resource Service that is being held this Wednesday in Reynolds Club. (Check your email inbox for all the details.)
 I feel that finishing this first quarter completes part of our initiation as students here. We’ve completed sections of courses, and learned the ropes around campus. We’ve found our favorite study places, and have begun to explore the city to break up the monotony of doing our work. I’d say that this has been a successful first quarter, in the sense that I have not been tempted to transfer. I hope to come back from break refreshed and ready to take on the yearly Chicago ice-age with piles of readings to keep me warm.

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Jessica Ro

U Chicago

Jessica Ro is a third-year Public Policy student originally from Santa Monica, California, a city just west of Los Angeles. Jessica joined Her Campus because she loved the concept of reaching out specifically to college-aged females through writing.