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Fresh for the Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

Be wild and creative this summer! Here’s ten things to feed your creative energy during the summer:

1. Ice Tea? Try Iced Chai Tea!

Chai isn’t just for the cold winter days. Ice it and you have refreshing cool drink for the summer! Here’s a recipe from Jamie on the RookieMag tumblr. 

2. Neon Lips! 

Rock this bright, bright summer shade. For concerts or just a night out, this shade will give you an edge. Lip Tar from Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics is recommended!
Check out the Powder Doom tumblr for tutorials and more ideas.

3. Luscious, Lovely, Lashes 

Purple eyeliner proved itself wonderful a few years ago in the makeup world. Now, try purple mascara. Don’t worry, you wont be walking around with Nicki Minaj style lashes; this shade is dark enough to wear daily but the purple will light up your eyes. This color is especially good for those with hazel, color shifting eyes; your eye color will be even more striking.

4. Take a Photography class! 

Enroll in a photography class at a community college or find a group that meets in your area. You’ll never regret being able to take a stunning photo. And who doesn’t want to clutter their Facebook with artsy shots? As for cameras, DSLR are used for photography (not a point and shoot camera). These can be pricey, but if you are taking a class, some colleges let you use them for free or you can rent them. If you are thinking of buying one, check consumer reports. Look for one you can grow with but don’t worry about buying the newest, eight hundred dollar model one. I have the Nikon D3100 and love it.

 5. Eyes are to be Seen! 

Glitter up!! For a crazy night or a concert, bejewel your eyes with glitter. You can use eye primer or my technique: dab a small amount of hair spray on your eye lid (via your finger, no direct contact with the hairspray) and then dab on your glitter! Use a complimenting color of shade for a base. 

6. Get Down with the Thrifting 

Here’s the deal: thrifting is sick. And not just because it’s “in” and dare I say, “hipster”. It’s awesome because it’s cheap, there are wild and retro clothes, and you can be impulsive without feeling guilty. Those sixty dollar “Urban renewal Shorts” form Urban Outfitters? They are actually an old pair of shorts from a soccer mom’s golden years that you can find at Salvation Army! Too long? Cut them a bit. A bold fashion move for you? Mess up? Ruin them? No worries when you spent two dollars on them and there are racks and racks more. 

7. Do Good 

Summer is about self indulgence right? Well indulge in helping someone else. Trust me on this, it really does feel good. It can be simple like making a pie with your grandma and playing with your younger sibling. Or you could take larger step and volunteer at a soup kitchen. The time you spend will mean more than you think. Wake up early one day and by noon you’ll have already accomplished something with your day. Oh, and here’s a really easy “do good” activity: tell your parents you love them.

8. Be a Casual Jogger

Or at least start that way! Lace up your shoes and hit the trails or pavement. The benefits – I don’t think I need to say them all – will make you feel more energized. Who knows? By the end of the summer you might be a hardcore runner! 

9. Sunscreen All Day E’rey Day! 

Ok this one is serious. It’s the summer and everyone wants bronzed skin but don’t let it cost you. You can wear sunscreen and still get a tan, just a safer one. Slick on a layer before you head out in the morning, even if you’re not going to be exposed to the sun extensively. For all-day-in the sun times, go full body coverage. Just running in and out? Put on a layer of Aveeno Sunscreen for your face. 

10. Go Outside your Comfort Zone! 

Really expand your horizons this summer. That could be literal (a trip to India!) or just something that might make you uncomfortable. This could be camping, finally wearing those high-waisted shorts in public, reading your poetry in coffee shop for the first time, or playing in a band. Dig deep, apologize to that one person or forgive someone. Embrace impulsive urges. 



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Kali West

U Chicago

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Jessica Ro

U Chicago

Jessica Ro is a third-year Public Policy student originally from Santa Monica, California, a city just west of Los Angeles. Jessica joined Her Campus because she loved the concept of reaching out specifically to college-aged females through writing.