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The B*tch Face: A Look You Can and Sometimes Should, Rock

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

“You know that one girl with the retro style and cute hair?”
“The one who always has a b*tch face.”
“Ohhh Yeah! Her hair is so cute.”

“I was wearing my riding boots and that vintage looking skirt the other day, but I had to walk by some construction workers.”
“So you were also wearing your b*tch face?”

The b*tch face. Let’s put a definition out there.

B*tch Face: When a girl has a facial expression conveying that she is either annoyed, irritated, unimpressed, pissed, or all four.

Now, this facial expression may not seem like something you would ever want to wear, especially when you are looking your best. Actually, this expression often irritates other girls. But, there is, as with everything in life, a time and place for the b*tch face. So here’s the do’s and the don’ts of when to wear the b*tch face.

Do Wear the B*tch Face When….
• You are walking alone
• Taking public transit that makes you uncomfortable
• In a bad area
• At night in any the previously stated circumstances
• When you are in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable

This look will make you feel a little stronger and tougher. Another note, when you look scared or show that you are uncomfortable, you are more susceptible to unwanted attention. This kind of goes along with always looking like you know what you’re doing. The B*tch Face also comes in handy for those awkward moments when guys feel it is necessary to comment as you walk by. *See construction guy example above.

Don’t Wear the B*tch Face When….
• You are walking to class
• Around the Quad
• At party (unless you feel uncomfortable or want to look unimpressed)
• A career event
• Around adults
• Potentially dateable people

The name itself explains why in these scenarios, it would be to your disadvantage to wear the b*tch face. In general, you will come off as cold, unsociable, unapproachable, condescending, and well, a b*tch.

So use it wisely, use it properly, and the b*tch face can be useful to keep in your LookBook.

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Kali West

U Chicago

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Jessica Ro

U Chicago

Jessica Ro is a third-year Public Policy student originally from Santa Monica, California, a city just west of Los Angeles. Jessica joined Her Campus because she loved the concept of reaching out specifically to college-aged females through writing.