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ArtShould Presents: PostSecret at UChicago

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

Until May 31, ArtShould—a RSO whose goal is to promote art in Chicago Public Schools through after-school art programs, workshops, and events on campus and in the community—is hosting a campus-wide art project, PostSecret.
ArtShould’s PostSecret event is based on Frank Warren’s community art movement, PostSecret (http://www.postsecret.com/). All students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate.
People can participate by decorating a postcard, writing a personal secret on it, and then submitting it anonymously. Blank postcards with instructions on the back are available at every campus coffee shop. Instead of mailing the postcards, people can drop them off in little orange mailboxes that are also available in the coffee shops.
“One of the main missions of ArtShould is to bring more art events to campus and the Hyde Park community,” said Zsófi Vályi-Nagy, a second-year andArtShould member. “We hope that this ‘interactive art’ event will bring people together. It’s a chance for everyone to express themselves as freely as possible.”
ArtShould also plans on involving its elementary school students in PostSecret, making the interactive exercise one of its lesson plans this quarter.
In May, a gallery of the postcards will be displayed. ArtShould hopes to keep them on display around campus for the remainder of the year. The display location as of yet has not been set. 
Come participate in UChicago’s PostSecret event and gallery. When else do you get a chance to read the whole campus’s secrets?