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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Alberta chapter.

Now that December is here, it’s time to wrap all those gifts that you have hidden away in your closet. Wrapping paper can be expensive though, and even though it is recyclable, giftwrap can be quite wasteful. While there are recycled wrapping paper options out there, it’s good to know that you aren’t limited to that 3-pack of wrapping paper from the grocery store. So, my eco-conscious friends, here are a few cute-yet-sustainable gift wrap options for the gift-giving season!

Cloth Gift Bags

While some (including myself) may hold onto gift bags from seasons before and reuse them, there tends to be at least one awkwardly shaped gift that requires a gift bag that you’ll have to buy. Cloth gift bags are not only cute, but they can be reused for other gifts, groceries, décor, and so much more! 

You can find multipacks on Amazon at various sizes for a decent price here:



If you read the metro on campus every day, or if you are a part of the small population that still gets newspaper delivered to their house, I have great news for you – you can use it as giftwrap! Newspaper, a little twine and some Christmas-y add-ons like twigs and snowy pinecones give your gifts a rustic, homey feel. Just watch out for super controversial headlines/articles that you may not want to wrap a gift in!

Hit Up Goodwill or the Reuse Centre

Any second-hand store or Edmonton’s reuse centre will have countless options for sustainable giftwrap. Not only are you giving an item a second chance at life, you’re also using creative and unique designs and textures for your gifts! Just ensure that certain things you use are clean, especially when wrapping food items and items for children ! Things to look out for include:


Scrap fabric

Mason Jars

Cookie Tins

Old magazines


Edmonton’s Reuse center is located at 6835 83 Street NW and they charge $5 per 25kg of merchandise!

Happy Wrapping!

Maia de Borja

U Alberta '21

Maia (my-uh) is in her fourth year at the University of Alberta. She is working towards a Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in English and minor in ESL. In her spare time you can find Maia studying with a chai latte close by, at the gym, at one of her three part time jobs,volunteering or exploring town with her boyfriend and friends (usually in the pursuit of good food!) You can follow her on Instagram at @maiadeborja
Robin is a senior student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. She is getting a Science Degree, with a Psychology major and a double minor in Sociology & Biology. Part-time jobs, full-time classes, various student groups and volunteering fill most of her time. Robin is the 2020/2021 President of Her Campus at UAlberta and served as the social media director for the 2018/2019 year!