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Why Mardi Gras was Actually Super Political

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

This year, I experienced my very first Mardi Gras. Although I probably don’t have the best set of advice to give on this whirlwind of a holiday, I did notice some really interesting things over this chaotic, out of control six-day marathon.  Aside from the shockingly large amount of alcohol consumed by adults over the age of 50 and the surprising pain that I felt each time a string of beads rudely hit me in the head (still recovering from some pretty nasty bruises, just thought that was pertinent), I learned that the beautiful holiday we call Mardi Gras is a time for political liberation and free speech.  I know this sounds kind of cheesy, but, trust me, when the masks go on, the political feelings come OUT.

Without having to infer much of anything, I came to realize how seriously anti-Trump the city of New Orleans really is.  Although I’m sure there are many people out there who are supporters of President Trump (and who am I to judge?), those who most likely fall in the majority of the New Orleans community finally had a chance to voice their honest opinions in a safe, sequined environment.

For example, at the first parade I attended, Krewe du Vieux, I learned about the power of making insane amounts of jokes about President Donald Trump through sexual references mixed with politically sound testimony.  Second line members held signs reading things like, “Down with Donald Trump,” and made references to his *small hands*, among other distinguishable parts of his body.  Nonetheless, mixing sex and politics, although oftentimes a very dangerous game to play, was effective in helping the citizens of New Orleans to feel comfortable and safe voicing their political opinions.

Mardi Gras as a whole is so supportive and allows people to get together and have a good time.  People are kind, welcoming, and warm-hearted—all of these traits became abundantly clear to me when I saw how safe New Orleanians felt sharing their thoughts on our current political state.  It was refreshing to see a city come together for a cause, whether or not it was intentionally political.  No matter what, Mardi Gras helped people feel comfortable voicing their views, and I support it. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Jenna Karic

Tulane '20

Jenna is a junior at Tulane University studying Political Economy and International Development. In her spare time, she loves to break it down on the dance floor (no shame, ladies!), eat exhorbitant amounts of sushi, and write basically anything and everything. When she doesn't have her head in a book or a plate of mac n' cheese, you can probably find her trying to pet small animals or trying to strike up a debate #college.
Her Campus Tulane