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What I Learned When Ashley Longshore Came to Tulane

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Just before Thanksgiving, Ashley Longshore, world-renowned artist and businessperson, spoke on campus about business and success! I was lucky enough to attend, and here’s what I learned:

Ashley grew up in Alabama… and she didn’t love it. As a child in Montgomery, she was always told to simply become a trophy wife. This predetermined path sounded painfully unfulfilling, so Longshore began selling art to the mothers of her town. From there, she expanded her market audience and grew into the powerhouse artist she is today!

Don’t wait for the opportunity to come to you – “grab it by the nuts.” Ashley was lucky enough to be chosen as one of five spotlight artists at Bergdorf Goodman, awarded a wall with which to display her work. This did not satisfy Ashley Longshore, so she requested a hallway, then a cafe pop-up, then a fifth avenue window, then every window on fifth avenue, and, today she is the Artist in Residence at Bergdorf Goodman. All because she kept asking for more.

On the other hand, know your worth. Ashley’s dream was to work with Gucci. She has mentioned and demonstrated countless times how much she admires the Gucci brand. Through her hard work, Gucci eventually reached out to her. She was chosen to create a mural for Gucci in London, and is even featured on their website!

Don’t let others take advantage of you. Early in Longshore’s career, she designed a furniture collection for Anthropologie. Ashley didn’t get paid extra for this collection, and only agreed to work with them for the exposure. She finally walked away from the deal, because she felt that they did not pay her what she deserved. Even if it means saying no, it is always important to recognize your own value.

Do jumping jacks each morning. In front of the mirror. Naked. There’s no better way to start your day than awakening your confidence and getting your juices flowing. Ashley says she concludes her early morning cardio by screaming “I WANT MY MONEY.” And that’s all it takes to become a successful businessperson!

Hi, I'm Taylor, and I'm a freshman at Tulane! I'm from Long Island, NY and I love fashion, food, and music.
Her Campus Tulane