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The Weekly Recap: MTV, Channing Tatum, and Civil War round 2?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

            In case any of you were under the same assumption that I was when I first opened the Huffington Post article telling me that some states across the country had signed secession petitions, I’m here to clear some things up. All fifty states have garnered signatures in these documents that could ultimately lead them to no longer being part of the Union, but let’s be serious for a second. After just electing a new president a few weeks ago, it is clear that millions of Americans are confident in this nation’s choice to stick with the 44th president Barack Obama. However, among these Americans are those that do not agree whatsoever with the nation’s choice and have decided to try to take action into their own hands. Seven out of fifty states have gained the 25,000 signatures needed to get attention from the White House (Louisiana being one of them). Recognition and legal action are two different things. It’s a pretty safe bet that we don’t have Civil War round 2 on our hands; we can all rest easy in knowing that Tulane won’t become a battleground anytime soon!


            Just when we thought there were no ideas left for reality shows, MTV has proved us wrong. This past monday was the premiere of Catfish, a new series following the stories of individuals who are completely invested in online relationships. The new documentary series was created by Nev Schulman, a native New Yorker, who was in the same situation as those he is trying to help. In the first episode the show debuted a woman who had been in an eight month relationship with a man whom she discovers, with Nev’s help, is really an 18 year old girl who had created the fake persona after she had been bullied in high school. As if things couldn’t get weirder, there is an entire series dedicated to this strange cases of online relationship (I can only hope that one of them turns out like an eHarmony commercial!). The show is on Monday’s at 11pm/10 central. As you probably know MTV is the king of reruns, so just in case you needed another reality show to add to the weekly lineup, maybe this one could do the trick.


            Lastly, in celebrity news, People Magazine named Channing Tatum this year’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” The Magic Mike star beat out many who thought was a sure fire favorite, Ryan Gosling. Previous winners include Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper, and Ryan Reynolds. Channing is set to star in a new movie “Foxcatcher” in which he plays an Olympic wrestler. I know we’ll all be going to see that one. 

JoEllen is a senior at Tulane University where she is majoring in Philosophy and Psychology. She is particularly active with the Tulane chapter of Relay for Life and spent last summer studying abroad in Bali, Indonesia, where she hopes to move some day. JoEllen loves writing, eating delicious Cajun and Creole food, and exploring the city of New Orleans.