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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.


Congratulations! You’ve made it to the week before Spring Break! Even though this
week is probably packed with tests and papers, there’s definitely a light at the end
of the tunnel. For some people, this means relaxing on a beach somewhere in the
Caribbean, or even sightseeing in Europe. But for others, it means getting some well-
deserved R&R at home. Yet there’s only so much Facebook-stalking you can catch
up on before you get a little stir-crazy – what to do?

1) Netflix
I’m pretty sure I’m the only person in the world who doesn’t watch Girls. This
break, I’m planning on using Netflix to catch up on all the episodes so I can finally
understand what all the fuss is about. Spring Break at home isn’t exactly
like the spring we have in NOLA right now – most Tulane students going home can
expect cold and rain for the week. It’s the perfect time to catch up on the shows and
movies you’ve been dying to see.

2) Cooking
I’m the first to admit that I’m the world’s worst cook. As in, peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches are my specialty. And seeing as how I’m going to be abroad next
semester and will have to cook for myself, I’m going to take advantage of this
opportunity to start to learn how to make a few things in the kitchen… Well,
starting with the basics, at least. No matter what your level of expertise, it’s always a
fun idea to test out your cooking skills and try new things.

3) Go to the gym
 Winter is notorious for being lazy and not caring about what we’re eating. But summer
will be here before we know it, and it’s time to get in shape again. Think about how
good you’ll feel the first time you hit the beach in the summer.

4) Catch up on work
I know what you’re thinking: no, no, absolutely not. I just worked my butt off for two
months, I’m taking a week off! Trust me, I get it. I’m not saying drag yourself to the
local library and move in for the week, but it definitely can’t hurt to get ahead on
some readings or papers. It’s all about time management, right? It will pay off when
you get back to school and aren’t cramming on last minute work before finals start.

5) Redecorate your room
Even though you don’t really live there anymore, it’s still your room! Do some spring
cleaning and reorganizing this break. If you’ve always wanted to update your room
a little and get rid of those awkward middle school pictures, now’s
your chance.

Hope everyone has a great break!

JoEllen is a senior at Tulane University where she is majoring in Philosophy and Psychology. She is particularly active with the Tulane chapter of Relay for Life and spent last summer studying abroad in Bali, Indonesia, where she hopes to move some day. JoEllen loves writing, eating delicious Cajun and Creole food, and exploring the city of New Orleans.