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Size vs. Comfort: The Fitting Room Dilemma

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

You are in your favorite store and you find the perfect summer dress that just happens to be in the sale section (score!). You pick up two sizes. The first fits a little snug, not flattering your body while simultaneously poking you in the ribcage. The second, a size larger, looks amazing on you and is super comfortable. Your two best friends are in awe when you step out of the fitting room. Which size do you choose?

This may seem obvious: the more comfortable size, duh. However, the reality is some girls would go for the uncomfortable size just because the number on the tag is smaller. Let’s face it; we all get hung up on the size of our clothes (guilty). How can we not? The media shoves crash diets and skeleton-like models in our faces 24/7.  Thin is beautiful. The smaller you are, the more attractive you are. No curves? Perfect. So it is understandable that girls want to wear a smaller size. But what actually matters is not the pesky little number on the tags, but how the clothes feel, and more importantly, how you feel wearing them.
In the summer dress dilemma, if you choose the smaller size, not only will it hug you in all the wrong places, but you will be miserable. If you choose the (gasp!) larger size, you mentally have to deal with it. However, you will receive a plethora of compliments from your peers because you look fabulous. To top it off, you won’t be uncomfortable because there won’t be any poking or prodding or hugging of the wrong places.
The moral of the story is that the size of your clothing should not be the determining factor. If the size is smaller but you’re going to hate your life when you wear it, or the dreaded muffin top appears because you’re too afraid of buying a larger size, don’t bother buying the garment. What is the point of buying something you will dread wearing?
You can look great no matter what your body type is as long as you buy the size that fits you best. Forget the number and look in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Good. Now march up to the register and purchase that perfect, amazingly affordable summer dress. Rock it girl, because nobody knows (or cares) what size you’re wearing because, guess what, everyone is too busy envying you.

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.