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Push Play! – Midterms Survival Playlist on Spotify!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.


Oh Ryan, how you always speak the truth!

Bringing you a short and simple post today -we know that you are all studying hard for these midterms that seem to be never ending! When you need a pick up this week, tune in and listen to our very own Her Campus Tulane – Midterms Survival Playlist!

If you don’t have a Spotify account (and you should!), feel free to check out the tracks included below: 

Happy listening!

Erin is an (almost) graduate of Tulane University, graduating with an BA in English. She has enjoyed being a member of Her Campus Tulane and leading the chapter this year alongside Brittany Kottler. After graduation, she hopes to move out to the Bay Area to fulfill her dreams of joining the tech industry.