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Perfect Music & Fashion Combinations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

To me, nothing helps inspire an outfit more than listening to some music. I love finding new songs, and then searching my closet for an outfit that reflects what I’m hearing. Since I obviously cannot go into each and every one of your closets to do the same for you (as much as I wish I could!), I hope to aid in your inspiration by posting some fun new songs, and a piece that matches its style.

Miley Cyrus- #GETITRIGHT

As much as we all hate to admit it, there is no one better to prepare you for a long night at the Boot than the queen of twerking herself, Miley Cryus. #GETITRIGHT may not be as powerful as the club hit “We Can’t Stop,” but proves to be the perfect song for slipping into something for a night of partying. Pair with these sequin leggings from Asos.

CHVRCHES- It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay

Scottish band CHVRCHES takes on Whitney Houston’s classic anti-cheating anthem, and the result is incredible. This song is another good one for getting ready, and is perfect inspiration for those nights where you will see your ex/crush/just want to look good. Try this low V dress from American Apparel.

Airplane- Local Natives

While this song is not new, it is a perfect anthem for those chill days at home. The relaxed vibe makes it great to listen to while reading a book and drinking a hot beverage of choice. Try pairing it with this basic tee from H&M.

Hopefully this has inspired you to create your own combinations from music! Enjoy the songs, and leave your own outfit creations in the comments!

Current Tulane senior studying English and Communications. Contact: sydneyclarke@hercampus.com
Her Campus Tulane