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“Look What I Can Do”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

“Look What I Can Do”


From a bright light, and a whisper of the earth, came a gentle proclamation: “Look what I can do.” and there was a high tide.

Did you feel it?

3:17 am on a Tuesday in July and heat waves of energy, a thick mist of my emotions, is on your skin, look what I can do.

I am next to you. I am creeping in, the goosebumps on the back of your arms, can you feel me?

You can not sleep, but you wait to wake up, and it is my song that wakes you. I learned you. You showed me. And now I use my magic dust to move you.

This is the big strong scorching heat. This is my power over you. This is how I make you feel, how I make you breathe. Look what I can do.

Don’t you dare forget me, when it is you who taught me. It is you who let me. And it is you who governs my direction. 

It is you, melting in my tea, it is you seeping into my words, my thoughts. How did you do it? I don’t remember letting you. 

One month later and the sand is dry, it’s low tide. 

I am screaming by your window but you can’t hear me. Look what I can do: vanish. 

These are the words of the song you can’t remember. This is the night in July that feels like cement in your belly. Did you forget? Maybe. 

You are here, underneath my nails, but you don’t feel me scratching.

This is my tomorrow. Turn your light off. I don’t want you blinding me anymore. Can you leave me?

Look what I can do: dim.

Mia Kalo comes from San Francisco but she was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. She's a Linguistics and Cognitive Studies Major and French Minor and would like to know if she could please pet your dog.
Her Campus Tulane