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Life Lessons Learned from “FRIENDS”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

“Friends” will always have a special place in my heart. My roommate and I watch it every single night before we go to sleep and no matter how many times I’ve seen an episode, it will always be just as funny as the first time I saw it. I probably quote the show at least once a day because, let’s face it, everything in the show can be applied to everyday life. My friends always compare me to Joey because just like him, I’m not exactly the world’s best food sharer. I also once got an ACT question right in the science section because of a paleontology reference Ross made. Here is a list of some of the life lessons we can all learn from our “Friends”:

  1. NEVER GO ON A “BREAK”. EVER. Unless you want to be like Rachel and Ross and get back together, break up, have a baby together, then get back together…again. Over the course of 7 years.
  2. Not only are maternity pants fashionable, but Phoebe has also taught us that they are just as useful for stealing melons from grocery stores.
  3. The easiest way to move furniture is to pivot.
  4. The best way to make someone laugh and/or scare them to death is to put a turkey on your head and walk into a room. Bonus points if you decorate it with large sunglasses and a hat.
  5. Thanksgiving is never a nice, quiet dinner. You may risk getting your toe cut off by a flying knife thanks to Monica, your high school boyfriend may or may not be cheating on you, or someone might accidentally cook beef into the dessert.
  6. If you need to make your baby laugh, and all other measures have failed, you can resort to singing “Baby Got Back”.
  7. Unagi is not just a salmon skin roll, but it’s something that you are.
  8. There is a very thin line between love and hate, and that line happens to be a scarf.
  9. If you ever need to use a false name, always stick with Regina Falange.
  10. When you know two of your best friends are secretly dating, it’s better to play the “they don’t know we know they know we know” game than to reveal you all know by singing in a barber shop quartet.
  11. The best way to get on stage at the Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve taping is to perform the dance routine you created with your brother.
  12. Do not bet your dinner that you can name all 50 states in a given amount of time. Unless you’re Joey and can name all 56 states.
  13. Think before you decide to dance naked in your apartment, because people can see you across the street. Wise investment? Curtains.
  14. When going into a spray-tanning booth, do not count “Mississippily.”
  15. If you decide to play a trivia game with your friends, it’s safer to bet money, not your apartment.

What have YOU learned from watching “Friends” over the years?

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.