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Les Yeux: Zoë Photo of the Week: Play Your Part

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

If you ever have the chance, go see Girl Talk. If you’re ever in New Orleans (which everyone reading this probably is), go to a concert at the House of Blues.

Not only is the HOBNOLA an amazing venue, but it’s so small that no matter where you are, you’re only about forty feet from the artist…or on stage, like me. Girl Talk is the time of your life, times ten, and basically a big dance party. He really got the crowd into it with not only confetti (as shown here), balloons, and toilet paper being whirled around by leaf blowers.

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.