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Lacking in Self-Control? There’s an App for That!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

The heart of midterm season may be behind us, but apparently the professors didn’t receive the memo. Students continue to cram into the Howie T. library as paper and exam deadlines approach, and the increased time spent among the books equates to decreased time spent among fun and friends. Thus, to maintain the crucial balance of work and play, and to most effectively utilize hours of study, it is crucial to work in a distraction-free environment.

I know from personal experience this is easier said than done, especially when homework involves a computer. I cannot even begin to fathom how many hours I have wasted on social networking sites and online shops while attempting to study or complete an essay, and I am sure I’m not alone. But there is a cure for this epidemic of distractedness! So unless you possess an astonishing level of self-control, read on and watch as your productivity soars.

The miracle treatment for an unfocused mind lies in a simple app: the aptly named SelfControl. The app, which can be downloaded directly onto Apple computers, blocks access to mail servers and websites of your choice for a predetermined period of time. You simply choose a website and the length of blockage time, and your computer prohibits viewing of the site. Once the information has been entered on SelfControl, the action cannot be undone by the application, by deleting the application, or by restarting the computer (yes, in moments of weakness I’ve tried all three). The app truly refuses to allow for any form of distraction, so you can take advantage of the self-control forced upon you and maximize your study or homework time. Say goodbye to Facebook stalking binges and endless online shopping and say hello to SelfControl! You and your grades will not regret it.