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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

As the plane lands you’ll definitely get this sense of familiarity that you haven’t had in a while. You finally get off the plane and you’ll get a million texts, Snapchats, and phone calls from your family asking if you’ve landed, your “home friends” asking if you can meet up with them to go out later, and your “college friends” texting in your group chats how much separation anxiety they’re having already. You’ll find your parents jumping up and down with joy and instantly get bombarded with questions (even though you spoke to them literally an hour and a half ago), but really the only thing you’ll want to do is to stuff your face at your fave restaurant, reunite with your bed, take a looooong normal shower WITHOUT flip flops, have that huge reunion with your friends like you see in the movies. Before you see your friends you’re obviously going to have to see your family so you rush to see you grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc. and you pretty much only have time to talk about the three basic things: how much you’ve changed in the month you’ve been gone, if you already have a boyfriend/ if the boys are cute, and if you’ve done any studying at all in between “all that partying”. Even though you’ll act annoyed from all of the questions you’ll secretly love it because realistically college is great and its all you care about/ all you wanna talk about. In that small break of alone time after seeing your family and before seeing your friends, you’re going to start missing school like crazy all you can think about is “why was I so excited to come home again?” you just wanna be back with your friends doing whatever it is you do with no one to listen to, in an environment that there is always something going on. However, that all goes away when you hear your friends run in to your room screaming of excitement to finally reunite. The whole time you’ll find yourself talking about your college friends, college songs, college boys, college everything because your school is obviously better than everyone else’s (duh). You can probably expect all of this to happen but what I wasn’t expecting at all was how tired I was. All I wanted to do was sleep. All the time. In college you never really realize how much sleep you lose from all of those parties and all of those late nights at the library. It felt like I would take a step and all of a sudden desperately need a nap.  By the time your home vacation is over, you’ll start to feel conflicted because you’ll realize that you now have two homes, and you won’t know whether you wanna go home or stay home.

Her Campus Tulane