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Halloween on a Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

So it’s almost Halloweekend and you still don’t have a costume (obviously because you have been too focused on your classes to worry about it) and you’re not looking to shell out $75 for that sexy nurse costume you found online. So what do you do? Although Halloween is on Monday, you know there is going to be a party every night and you obviously can’t wear the same costume.

First, you need to look through your inventory. Do you have anything from past Halloween parties? What about that Ancient Greece themed mixer? Take a look because you may find a pair of black cat ears that you forgot about. Here are a few more options you could easily do on a budget:
1920’s Flapper
Drop waist dresses have been seen on the runways, so it won’t be too hard to find them. Fringe shift dresses can be found in vintage stores, and thrift stores. You can even find inexpensive flapper costumes online. Add a long necklace (preferably pearls), a feather headband (which you could make or buy at a plethora of stores), and a long cigarette holder to finish off your look. Maybe you have an excuse to buy the fabulous heels you’ve had your eye on.
Holly Golightly:
If you’re looking to be chic and classy this year, why not be Audrey Hepburn’s character from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, who invented the iconic little black dress. You’ll need oversized sunglasses, a LBD (which every girl should have anyway), a pearl necklace, and black gloves. Add a behive-like hairstyle and you’re good to go.

Any Animal You Can Possibly Think Of
If you’re really struggling and just want to do something easy, you can find any type of animal costume pieces at costume stores, Target, Walmart, etc. You can be anything from a black cat (add a black dress and whiskers and you’re looking cute) to a peacock – purple or teal dress, store bought wings (or if you can sew, homemade), and feather headband. Still there are always tigers, lions, ladybugs, bunnies, etc.
Stick with the Classics:
The witch, vampire, angel, and devil are always good back-ups. They’re easy to do, affordable, and can be as cute or sexy as you want it to be. Pick up the accessories, put on a dress and you’ve got your Halloween 2011 costume set.
For more ideas check out this website.

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.