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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Guide to Perfect New Orlean’s Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

It’s the biggest Hallmark day of the year- a celebration of your soulmate, your family, and your friends. For every type of Valentine, here’s how to make the day special with a New Orleanian twist! Ballet: Lords of leaping a staple on Feburary 14th, try something besides Romeo and Juliet. Hold hands in the darkened theater with your loved one while watching beautiful ballerinas perform “Tainted Love” at Le Petit Theatre. Shows on the 14th and 15th at 8pm. Movies: If it’s a girl’s night out, celebrating independance, getting over broken hearts, or just enjoying your friendship, head to the nearest movie theatre to see Rebel Wilson’s “Isn’t It Romantic?”. A romantic comedy to come out the 13th, add some humor into a day of non-stop romance! If the flick isn’t for you, there will be plenty others to choose from! Outdoors: More of an outdoorsy-type than staying indoors? Have picnic in Audubon park. Classic, cute and oh so picturesque!  Single’s Bars: Whether long-time independent or recently unattached, head to “Above The Grid”, The Nopsi Hotel rooftop bar for a singles party. Disclaimer: Need Nimble account for this event specifically. Concerts: Need more than one day to show your love? If you like R&B, head to The Smoothie King Center on the 17th for “Valentine’s Day Love Jam”.


Many resturants require reservations far in advance or have limited, “special menus” for the night of love. Classic French food at Galatoire’s, and cajun at Broussards or Antoine’s (be sure to take the tour of the building and see the pictures of celebrities on the walls). More vegeratian-friendly options are Cafe Degas. Of course, the famous locales are always a go-to. Many are off frenchman, where music is sure to lead you and your partner to dance the night away in the moonlight!

If you don’t want to break the bank on the meal, cooking at home works every time- thoughtful, intimate and fun!


Not just a staple in Central Park, but also in Jackson Square- nothing screams Valentine’s Day like cuddling in the back of a horse-drawn carriage!

Gifts: Choclates, flowers and cards are sweet. But you are the best treat! Give the gift of a unique experience, spending time with your Valentine(s) and show that you care. That is everyone’s favorite gift. (Of course a beautiful poem or cuddly teddy bear would not be turned down). Wishing you a very sweet Valentine’s Day with your Valentines!

Hi! I'm Eliana Chiovetta. A triplet from New York City, I love art, theater, museums, golf, and travel. At Tulane, in addition to writing for Her Campus, I work at The Newcomb Art Museum, am a Tides Peer Mentor, involved with Model United Nations, and on Hillel's leadership board. :)