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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Forget finals stress and post-graduation concerns for a moment and take a look in your closet. What are you going to wear for graduation? Yes, of course you’ll have a cap and gown that you’ll want to flaunt around in, but what about before and after the ceremony and various festivities? What about the zillions of pictures grandma will take of you (and proceed to send to the entire extended family)? You’ll want to look your best.

It’s hot down here so wearing a sundress is a great option (and you know I love sundresses), but whatever you’re comfortable in is your best option as you’re going to spend many an hour sitting. To me, graduation is a time to dress up and look your best (remember grandma and the camera…) so I’m not a proponent of jeans or shorts. However, if that floats your boat, go for it.

1) Super cute print dresses are springy and fabulous. If you can shell out a little extra cash, Lilly Pulitzer is always a great option (prices ranging mostly from $100-$300). Department stores, Old Navy, Target, and local boutiques are always options as well!

2) Maxi dresses are very “in” this season. Try prints and bright colors. They’re comfy, hip, and summery – perfect for sitting and watching a ceremony for hours.

3) If you don’t feel like wearing a dress, cute dress pants or a skirt would be appropriate as well. I love pastels with (gasp! It’s not yet Memorial Day!) white dress pants and sandals. It would be summery, yet dressy enough for the occasion. As for the skirt, steer clear of the super tight mini. Graduation is not the time or place. If you can rock the maxi skirt, go for it, otherwise, stick to a classic fit skirt. Pair it with sandals or wedges and you have a great look.

4) Shoes are super important – some say for comfort while others say for style purposes. If you’re wearing a dress, wedges are a great option. They’re perfect for the warm weather and dress up the outfit. If you don’t wear heels or you’re afraid you will fall on your face when walking across the stage, there are tons of adorable sandals out, so you have many options to add to your outfit.

5) For makeup, keep it light. It is very likely that May 19th will be hot and humid and you will be wearing a dark cap and gown. You will be sweating. Keep the foundation, eyeliner and mascara to a minimum unless you buy waterproof products, which I highly recommend anyway if you’ll be an emotional wreck like me. Make sure your cheeks are tinted in whichever color looks best on you. It makes you look fresh faced (but then again I believe blush should always be worn so you look alive).

Catherine Combs is a Tulane University Alumna, who majored in Communications and Political Science. She  has always had a soft spot for books, writing, and anything Chanel. When not searching for the final touches to her latest outfit idea, she can be found reading.