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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

To The Girl That Has Decided to Try the Distance:

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

I know that the reputation long-distance holds and even how the look on people’s faces when you tell them you have decided to try the distance are discouraging. They’ll tell you that you are cutting yourself short of opportunities and that it’s not worth it because it won’t last. It might feel as if there is a reason behind this and the hard truth is that yes, there is. Long-distance is not meant to be easy; it requires a lot of trust, loyalty, communication, and overall love. But you have to remember, just because other people’s relationships have not worked out, doesn’t mean that yours won’t either. 

There is a reason why you both have decided to give it a chance. There are enough movies, blogs, and opinions for both of you to know that the possibility that it won’t work out exists and yet you guys have decided to place your faith in that off chance that it will. 

Between having different schedules, being surrounded by different people, and overall not being able to be with one another all the time, it won’t be easy. But all these things will only prove your love further. And as cheesy as it might sound, distance does make the heart grow fonder for it allows you to understand the extent of your feelings towards your significant other. 

It is going to take some time to get adjusted to all of it. Suddenly dates go from going to the movies or the zoo to sitting hundreds of miles away from each other on Facetime. Though it is not ideal, I can guarantee you that this will help you understand and discover parts of one other that you may never even have thought twice about before for the simple fact that you will be communicating more. 

And though there may be days when it does not feel worth it and days in which you’ll sit alone in your dorm with unanswered texts and phone calls, you have to remember that that is the case in every relationship, it is not just exclusive to long distance. Some relationships work, and some don’t. Even couples that are only a five-minute drive away from each other face these same problems. So, don’t put so much pressure on yourself to make it work out. Dating is about finding someone who makes you happy, and who is willing to put in as much effort as you are, regardless of the distance. You have to remember that there is a reason as to why you have decided to do this in the first place, but also that there could be a reason for it not to work out. And if it doesn’t work out, then at least you can rest assured that you gave it all you got. But for now, stop stressing over the stereotype and keep clinging onto the possibility that you’ll be that exception.  

Tulane '23, Majoring in Communications & Sociology